Reducing reactivity to cars

Take your pup to a location where you will see cars but can keep a good distance from them. Keep a distance from the car that does not make your pup bark, lunge or stare intently at the car in such a way that they cannot look at you when you say their name. Allow them to look at the car, then say their name, when they look at you, say “Good!” and give them a high value treat (something they really love). If they begin to offer eye contact voluntarily when they see a car, say “Good” and give them a treat when they do. Try to avoid putting your pup in situations where they react to cars by keeping a distance from them when you see one coming.


  1. Your dog sees or hears the car
  2. Let them watch/listen to the car for 1-2 seconds
  3. You say their name
  4. They look at you
  5. You give them a treat
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